Friday, September 18, 2015

What's New in ConfigMgr VNEXT - TP3 - SUP Model

Hey guys.  Its time for the second part of the series What's New in ConfigMgr VNEXT - TP3. read the first part here

 This time its about the SUP model in ConfigMgr vNext TP3. I was able to spend some time to work with SUP model and there are some interesting stuff. Those will eventually off load the engineers who do patching. The below are the changes / Enhancements I have noticed in vNext

  1. WSUS cleanup can be done from within ConfigMgr console
  2. Templates for ADR
  3. ADR supports multiple deployments

1. WSUS cleanup
 In vNext,We have the option to schedule WSUS cleanup with a configured interval. This is actually kind of a good approach to deal with the Expired or orphaned content within WSUS and we all should be happy that Microsoft is at least trying to help us, But changing the way ConfigMgr client scans against the SUP would be the solution.

As seen in the screenshot, the option can be selected while installing the SUP and by default the interval at which the cleanup runs is 30 days.
The same can be seen in the wsyncmgr.log

Setting sync alert to active state on site DLP    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    9/15/2015 11:11:38 AM    3824 (0x0EF0)
Sync time: 0d00h00m19s    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    9/15/2015 11:11:38 AM    3824 (0x0EF0)
Skipping Delete Expired Update relations since this is not a scheduled sync.    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    9/15/2015 11:11:38 AM    3824 (0x0EF0)
WSUS Cleanup wizard interval is : 30 days and time since last WSUS Clean wizard run is 16693 days. Calling WSUS Cleanup wizard.    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    9/15/2015 11:11:38 AM    3824 (0x0EF0)
Successfully completed WSUS Cleanup wizard.    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    9/15/2015 11:11:41 AM    3824 (0x0EF0)
Next scheduled sync is a retry sync at 9/15/2015 12:11:38 PM    SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER    9/15/2015 11:11:41 AM    3824 (0x0EF0)
 As this just is equivalent to launching the WSUS cleanup wizard from WSUS console, we need to take care of the superseded updates as we do in ConfigMgr 2012.

2. ADR Templates

Another interesting thing in vNext SUP model is that there are Pre-configured templates for ADR. This is not a quite a big improvement but we could see that Microsoft is trying to off load the engineers. We have 3 templates available by default, each one with different search criteria and custom schedule as the ADR rule.

  1. Definition Updates
  2. Patch Tuesday
  3. CAMP Updates

Patch Tuesday

 Search Criteria : Update classification - Critical and Date revised
 Schedule           : Once in 30 days                                     

Definition Updates

Search Criteria : Definition updates for FEP / WIN Defeneder
Schedule           : Run the rule after any SUP synchronization

CAMP updates

Search Criteria : Critical updates for FEP
Schedule           : Once in a day

3. Multiple deployment in ADR

 In ConfigMgr 2012 we can have only one deployment for an ADR. If you want to differ in the deployment time or user notification etc.. for some clients, you actually need to create a new ADR.

But in vNext you don't have to create a new ADR. You can just keep on adding new deployments with different schedule, collection, user notification etc.. to an existing ADR. Cool isn't it ?.

The below screenshots illustrate how we can add multiple deployments for an ADR

With all these, there isn't a huge change in SUP model of Configmgr vNext yet, but there are things which can actually reduce some of the loads on the engineer..

Hope you enjoyed this !                                                                                               S A Delphin

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What's New in ConfigMgr VNEXT - TP3 - Introduction

Hey Guys. I am happy to meet you all with another post, only this time it is gonna be a series of posts about "What's new in ConfigMgr Vnext - TP3"

As you all know that ConfigMgr vNext TP3 is made available by Microsoft on 19-Aug-2015 and I got a chance to evaluate the functionality in my LAB. This series of blog post will talk about the features and functionality introduced or changed in vNext. Hope you guys will enjoy this series.

New Features / Enhancements in ConfigMgr vNext

 The listed below are the improvements in vNext technical preview 3, collected from Technet.

  • Windows 10 in-place upgrade
  • Mobile Application Management
  • Data protection for mobile devices
  • Preferred management points
  • On-premises mobile device management (MDM)
  • Support for Microsoft Azure virtual machines
  • Client deployment status in console monitoring
  • Sideloading apps in Windows 10
  • Windows PE Peer Cache
  • On-premises MDM: Adds support for Windows 10 desktop
  • Bulk enrollment of Windows 10 devices
  • Support for multiple Automatic Deployment Rules
  • Diagnostics and Usage Data
  • Service a server cluster
  • Support for SQL Server AlwaysOn for highly available databases
  • Deploy Windows Business Store applications
  • App deployment to Windows 10 devices with on-premises MDM
  • Compliance settings for Windows 10
  • Improved workflow for creating mobile device configuration items
  • Updates for Windows 10 in-place upgrade
  • Updates for bulk enrollment of Windows 10 devices with on-premises MDM

I will be testing every possible scenario in my LAB and share my experience with you guys in upcoming articles.

The complete detail and limitations are available in this artcile

ConfigMgr vNext TP3 can be downloaded from Microsoft evaluation center

Outlook - ConfigMgr vNext TP3

As I just completed setting up my vNext LAB, i though it would be really cool to share the outlook of the tool with you guys.

Asset and compliance

The Asset and compliance looks the same as ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 other than the "Windows" folder under All Corporate-Owned devices.

 Software Library

Windows sideloading keys is new which helps "Sideloading apps in Windows 10" We will be seeing that later in detail.


Production and Pre-production client deployment. Not sure how this works yet, But we will get know very shortly.


I see a new node "Update and servicing" under cloud servicing. This is most probably related to the new windows service "Configuration_Manager_Update" which is available along with the other tradition ConfigMgr windows services.

Windows Services

Along with the traditional ConfigMgr windows services, there is a new Windows service with the name "Configuration_Manager_Update" is listed under services.msc. There is a log file associated with component as well, But i am not really sure about the functionality of this at the moment.

Client settings

There is this new client setting node "Windows PE peer cache" is added to support Windows PE Peer Cache feature. This is gonna be one of the coolest feature in ConfigMgr vNext since you don't need to install a Server DP in a remote location just for the sake of OSD. Excited to test this functionality.

Hope u enjoyed this :-)                                                                                                  TechyTipz

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Failed to create AppDomain "CM_SMS.dbo - ConfigMgr 2012 R2 console error

Hey Guys. wanted to share a issue that i have encountered today with my ConfigMgr LAB environment. When i tried launching the ConfigMgr console in the LAB today I was gifted with the below error.

As soon i got this message i checked the SmsAdminUI.log and i could see the below log snippet

[6, PID:3960][08/12/2015 13:09:20] :Transport error; failed to connect, message: 'The SMS Provider reported an error.'\r\nMicrosoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryException\r\nThe SMS Provider reported an error.\r\n   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlQueryResultsObject.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()
   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlConnectionManager.Connect(String configMgrServerPath)
   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.SmsSiteConnectionNode.GetConnectionManagerInstance(String connectionManagerInstance)\r\nConfigMgr Error Object:
    Description = "Can't create instance of CSecuredSource for SMS_Site";
    ErrorCode = 3250653696;
 As this suggests that the SMS provider is failing to execute a WMI query i quickly connected Root\SMS\Site_LAB and tried running SELECT * FROM SMS_Site WHERE SiteCode = 'LAB'

I have got the below error message

As this was misleading i went and checked smsprov.log to see if there is any error. and in the smsprov.log i could see the below snippet

CSspQueryForObject :: Execute...            SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
***  select so.ObjectTypeID, so.ObjectTypeName, CASE dbo.fnIsSiteInMaintMode() WHEN 0 THEN so.AvailableOperations ELSE dbo.fnOR(oo.BitFlag) & so.AvailableOperations END  from dbo.RBAC_SecuredObjectTypes AS so  inner join dbo.RBAC_ObjectOperations AS oo ON oo.ObjectTypeID = so.ObjectTypeID  where oo.isReadOnly = 1 AND so.ObjectTypeName = 'SMS_Site' group by so.ObjectTypeID, so.ObjectTypeName, so.AvailableOperations     SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
*** [42000][6517][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Failed to create AppDomain "CM_LAB.dbo[runtime].822". ~~Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.        SMS Provider                12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
*~*~[42000][6517][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Failed to create AppDomain "CM_LAB.dbo[runtime].822". ~~Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.     ThreadID : 5516 , DbError: 6517 , Sev: 16~*~*        SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
CSecuritySource::GetSecurityObjectEx - SQL cmd failed SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
*~*~e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\siteserver\sdk_provider\smsprov\sspobjectquery.cpp(2057) : Can't create instance of CSecuredSource for SMS_Site~           SQL Error: [42000][6517][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Failed to create AppDomain "CM_LAB.dbo[runtime].822". ~~Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.~*~*               SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
*~*~Can't create instance of CSecuredSource for SMS_Site [42000][6517][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Failed to create AppDomain "CM_LAB.dbo[runtime].822". ~~Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.~*~*      SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
Execute WQL  =SELECT * FROM SMS_Site WHERE SiteCode = 'LAB'           SMS Provider     12.08.2015 10:36:24         5516 (0x158C)
 This finally gave me some convincing evidence that there is some problem with the SQL instance.

 As a first step I restarted the SQL instance (Would not be the first for most of us ) and voila the console started showing me the Asset and compliance workspace. And that saved my day.

Bottom line, to me restarted the SQL instance worked.

Hope this helps ..

                                                                                                                                S A Delphin

Monday, June 1, 2015

ConfigMgr 2012 Application Creator v1.0 - PowerShell tool

Hello Guys

It feels good to write a post aster a quite a long time. Recently i have been learning PowerShell and created a new tool to create a ConfigMgr application on your command. I am gonna stop the useless talks right here and walk you through the tool.

ConfigMgr App Creator V 1.0

             ConfigMgr App Creator is a wrapper tool for ConfigMgr 2012 which can be used to create ConfigMgr application, Dt and deployment on the go without even lanching the ConfigMgr console and going through a lenghthy object creation wizards.
            This tool will be really helpful for the packaging team who tends to take control over the application packaging  as well as application delivery to the deployment tool.


The following applications must be present in the computer on which the tool is launched.

  1. ConfigMgr 2012 R2 console
  2. net framework
  3. PowerShell 3.0 or higher

Look Of the Tool

Site Code: Module which connects the tool with the ConfigMgr WMI provider and import required PowerShell modules.

Expected Values / Action = the user is expected to enter the 3 dig ConfigMgr site code and client on connect

 Installer File: Module with a browse button to browser and select the *.vbs or *.msi installer.

Expected Value / Action = the user is expected to click on the browse button to select the installer file, and the complete file path will be populated in the text field.

 Application Name : name of the application that needs to be created within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: the User is expected to give name of the application. If the installer is a MSI this filed will be automatically be populated from the MSI property.

Publisher: Publisher of the application that needs to be created within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: the User is expected to give publisher of the application. If the installer is a MSI this filed will be automatically be populated from the MSI property.

Version: version of the application that needs to be created within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: the User is expected to provide the version of the application. If the installer is a MSI this filed will be automatically be populated from the MSI property.

Installation Program: Installation command line of the DT to be created for the created Application within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: This filed will be automatically populated based on the installer file that the user selects. This can be edited.

 Uninstallation Program: Uninstallation command line of the DT to be created for the created Application within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: This filed will be automatically populated based on the installer file that the user selects. This can be edited.

Content Source Path: Content source of the application to be created within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: This filed will be automatically populated based on the installer file that the user selects. This can be edited.

 Installation Collection Name: Name of the collection to be created within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: This filed will be automatically populated based on the installer file that the user selects. This can be edited.

Deployment Name: Name of the Deployment to be created within ConfigMgr

Expected Value / Action: This filed will be automatically populated based on the installer file that the user selects. This can be edited.

Target: to specify whether the collection is going to be a user based or Device based.

Expected Value / Action: By default the “Device” radio button will be selected. This can be changed.

Purpose: Purpose of the deployment to be created.

Expected Value / Action: By default the “required” radio button will be selected. This can be changed.

Create Collection / Deployment: The check boxes can be used to select if collection or deployment should be created.

Expected Value / Action: On successful connection to the ConfigMgr site both this check boxes will be checked. This can be changed.

 Read: This button validates if all the fields are correctly populated. If any of the field is not populated, this will populate it with default values. On successful validation this will enable the create button.

Expected Value / Action: The user is expected to click and validate the fields before clicking on create button.

Create: This button triggers the script execution of creating application in ConfigMgr. This will be enabled only after the successful validation.

Expected Value / Action: The user is expected to click this button after validating the fields.

Log Field: the status of each and every step that the script performs will be recorded here.

Expected Value / Action: The user is expected to observe this field to verify the successful creation of the application.

Author / Website: Information field

Version: Information filed

Link to Download the Tool

Download Link


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